In addition to the larger editors and workflows I've implemented in the material pipeline, I also created some smaller supporting tools.

Outfit Usage Reporter
- Scans the World Editor and reports back all material outfits applied to objects in the loaded scene.
- Offers a sense of variation usage in the WE and if any optimizations should be done.
- Re-roll (randomize) outfits on selected assets.
- Replace outfits with another.
- Remove outfits.
- Switch one outfit to another already in use to save memory.

Cubemap Generator
- Useful for generating pre-rendered cube maps.
- Cubemaps can be used in the Pre-fab editor, material editor or the shader editor.
- This allows artists to tweak materials specific to certain levels or lighting scenarios.

Material Replace Tool
- Easily replace instances of a single material in the world editor with another material.
- Used to easily replace temp materials with more refined materials.
- Used for optimizing the world and reducing material count later in our production cycles.
- Select a source material off of any surface in the World Editor, or browse from the resource list.
- Select a second replace material off of any surface in the world editor, or browse from the resource list.
- Press the button to replace materials on any of the selected assets.